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The best place in the county to find ideas on events, performances, gigs, days out and all sorts of ideas on how to spend your leisure time
Are you looking for something to do on impulse today? Then check our listings and also our social media feeds. Or, if you are looking ahead to the weekend or later in the month, then scroll through our listings and also down the page for promotions from our valued partners.
We also publish articles that give more information and guidance so do check our blog below and also our Editor’s Tips section for latest offers and insiders guide. You can also read our online magazine which has been the leading source of entertainment information in Somerset since 2007. You can also find printed copies at many locations. Our Annual Guide lists further ideas and major events for the whole year.
Finally……enjoy having fun here in Somerset, all of our team live here and we love it!
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We have extensive experience and can be proud of 10 000+ completed projects.
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Hidden Gems
Two MPs recently visited Wiveliscombe Area Partnership, a charity serving the people of the 10 Parishes.
Rachel Gilmour, MP for Tiverton and Minehead, and Gideon Amos, MP for Taunton and Wellington, both newly elected Liberal Democrats, joined the West Somerset charity
More Than Curious Words The Wells Festival of Literature returns from 18th until 26th October
More Than Curious Words The Wells Festival of Literature returns from 18th until 26th October Poet Pam Ayres will bring her trademark wit and humour
Beginning September 26th, Art Road Trip will launch with a series of creative activities across Bridgwater, Burnham-on-Sea, and Cheddar.
Beginning September 26th, Art Road Trip will launch with a series of creative activities across Bridgwater, Burnham-on-Sea, and Cheddar. This exciting project, presented by The